
To get specific chat with messages using chat ID ( mobile number )

if you need to get a specific chat on WhatsApp using chat ID ( mobile number )

get a specific chat with messages on WhatsApp using chat ID ( mobile number )


please make sure to pass the mobile number with the country code without + or 0 at the start of the number, eg.

✅ 966500000000 ❌ 0096650000000 ❌ +96605000000


Request Body

    "status": "success",
    "chat": {
        "id": {
            "server": "",
            "user": "9665000000000",
            "_serialized": ""
        "name": "Jhone Due",
        "isGroup": false,
        "isReadOnly": false,
        "unreadCount": 0,
        "timestamp": 1698317263,
        "archived": false,
        "pinned": false,
        "isMuted": false,
        "muteExpiration": 0
    "messages": [
            "_data": {
                "id": {
                    "fromMe": false,
                    "remote": "",
                    "id": "3A1F984EA234C4",
                    "_serialized": "false_9665000000000@c.us_3A1F984EA23D284164C4"
                "rowId": 1001213641,
                "viewed": false,
                "body": "بوت",
                "type": "chat",
                "t": 1691347263,
                "from": {
                    "server": "",
                    "user": "9665000000000",
                    "_serialized": ""
                "to": {
                    "server": "",
                    "user": "966531896270",
                    "_serialized": ""
                "self": "in",
                "ack": 3,
                "invis": true,
                "star": false,
                "kicNotified": false,
                "isFromTemplate": false,
                "pollOptions": [],
                "pollInvalidated": false,
                "latestEditMsgKey": null,
                "latestEditSenderTimestampMs": null,
                "mentionedJidList": [],
                "groupMentions": [],
                "isVcardOverMmsDocument": false,
                "isForwarded": false,
                "labels": [],
                "hasReaction": false,
                "productHeaderImageRejected": false,
                "lastPlaybackProgress": 0,
                "isDynamicReplyButtonsMsg": false,
                "isMdHistoryMsg": false,
                "stickerSentTs": 0,
                "isAvatar": false,
                "lastUpdateFromServerTs": 0,
                "requiresDirectConnection": false,
                "invokedBotWid": null,
                "links": []
            "id": {
                "fromMe": false,
                "remote": "",
                "id": "3A1F984EA23D284164C4",
                "_serialized": "false_9665000000000@c.us_3B1F982EA23184164C4"
            "ack": 3,
            "hasMedia": false,
            "body": "بوت",
            "type": "chat",
            "timestamp": 16983472633,
            "from": "",
            "to": "",
            "deviceType": "ios",
            "isForwarded": false,
            "forwardingScore": 0,
            "isStatus": false,
            "isStarred": false,
            "fromMe": false,
            "hasQuotedMsg": false,
            "hasReaction": false,
            "vCards": [],
            "mentionedIds": [],
            "isGif": false,
            "links": []

Last updated